Grace Still Amazes Me!

Sophia   -  


The words and the music of one of my favourite contemporary worship songs were written by Shawn Craig and Connie Harrington, copyright 2001. Shawn Craig was part of the Christian music trio Phillips, Craig, and Dean, which was formed in 1991. Their music still tops the charts of my private worship. And the song “Your Grace Still Amazes Me” is probably one of my favourite songs of all time. It lights my heart on fire every time I think about the words.

GRACE is the shining theme of the Bible. It’s the thread that runs from Genesis to Revelation, unifying the Bible. Grace is the word that summarizes God’s response to our sin. Adam and Eve were on the run, according to Genesis chapter 3, hiding in the trees of the Garden. God comes looking for them, calling them, and inviting them into an honest talk about what they had done.

He tells them what they needed to hear, which was necessary for them to take personal responsibility for their sin. Their meager attempts to cover themselves with fig leaves would never suffice to restore them to the blessing He pronounced upon them at creation. Much more was needed. God then extends stunning grace to His erring children. He promises them that He would send a Deliverer, who alone could restore them to their former glory. And that amazing promise was on the heels and in the face of man’s mess up. It came as the only healing antidote to man’s sin, right after man’s sin.

Here’s part of what God said on the fateful day, speaking to the inciter of evil, Satan: “So the Lord God said to the serpent: because you have done this, you are cursed more than any livestock and more than any wild animal. You will move on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:14–15). In short, God promised to reverse the curse through the “seed of a woman.” Which is exactly what He did through Christ, our Lord.

Famous 19th-century Anglican cleric Charles Simeon said of this verse that it is the “sum and summary of the whole Bible.” It’s often referred to as the “first Gospel.” The first Good News after man’s choice to disbelieve God’s Word is that He would not respond in kind. He would provide a way of escape for all who are willing to take Him at His Word. God told mankind how to protect their innocence at the start of their existence. Then, when Adam and Eve chose to doubt Him, He provided yet another off-ramp from their disastrous choice. That’s grace.

Grace calls to you and me, inviting us back into a relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why His grace still amazes, stuns, humbles, thrills, and brings me to tears. I pray that it melts your heart too.

Shalom and blessings church family,

Pastor Deric