God In The Most Unexpected Places
I’ve always been intrigued by God’s unexpected appearances. He shows up in the most unusual places. He is spotted in the most unlikely places. Because He is the God of grace and the God of hope. He loves to arrive in the very places where He is most unwelcome. He has an uncanny habit of appearing among the people voted least likely to know Him. Because that’s who He is.
Don’t get me wrong. He doesn’t force His way on anybody. He does not ignore the offer to get lost. I’ve heard people tell Him to take a hike. And He did. Sometimes to return at a later date, other times to never come back (from what I could see). There are places on earth that we could call “God forsaken” and not be that far off in our assessment.
But my point is that God loves to bring hope where it’s been lost. He is, as Jesus described the new birth, “the wind that blows where it wants to.” We don’t control Him. We can’t command Him. But we can invite and welcome Him. And when we do, He’s there. Listen to the incredible promise He made to Israel:
Deuteronomy 33 (NLT): “There is no one like the God of Israel. He rides across the heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor. The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you. He drives out the enemy before you; he cries out, ‘Destroy them!’
Do you see it? “He rides across the heavens to help you!” It’s as true for you and me as it was for the nation of Israel when Moses recorded those words. Wherever you are today, whatever your circumstances, He will come to your aid. He will show up every time!
I’ve often wondered if the author of the book of Hebrews was referring to the words of Deuteronomy when he wrote Hebrews 13:5–6 (NIV): God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
More than that, He is everywhere we don’t expect Him to be. He’s in the countries that least want Him there. He is in the parliaments and senates, where He is ignored. He’s in the high schools, where He is openly mocked. He’s in the homes where He is not even bidden to come. He’s the God of surprises and the God of surprising appearances. He can out-wait anyone on earth.
The captivating reality about Christmas is that “suddenly” God shows up in the most unlikely place. Just think about it. A manger, a stable, a virgin, in swaddling cloths, and lowly shepherds watching on in wonder and awe. And to a nation that hasn’t heard a word from God for 400 years. A nation living under Roman occupation. But the faithful ones in Israel had one great advantage. They had hope. They were waiting patiently for God to appear once again because their history was punctuated with surprising visits to remind them that He had not forgotten about them.
He’s not forgotten you. You are not lost to Him. He will ride across the vast space of the universe to embrace you with those “everlasting arms,” because God in Christ is your refuge. As you make your way through this week, why not keep an eye out for the “imperceptible” appearances of the Lord? I have no doubt that you will be surprised and thrilled as your eyes are enlightened by faith.
Shalom, Shalom church family,
Pastor Deric